Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year's Winter Wonderland!

 An old post that was stuck in draft...  I figure I'll post it right now...

Happy winter and new year to everyone!  We hope that 2010 is off to a great start for everyone :) 

This year will defintely be an interesting one in the Kennedy house...Heather is making some job changes which are exciting, but a bit scary too as change always is!  No huge details yet, but it involves leaving her current clinic and opening a rehab/wellness center for dogs (and the occasional "special" kitty).  If it is meant to be, it will be....if not, we'll see what happens!  A bit of much-needed perspective for both of us lately has been to realize the place of work in our lives....we always have said that we work to live, not the other way around, but have been struggling a bit with that concept on and off.  Our jobs are important, sure, but don't define us :)  We're pretty excited to put a bit more focus onto other things including friends, family, and more training and racing than we've done in the past couple years...woo hoo!

Our holiday was a good one, full of lots of fun adventures and visits with good friends....the photos will tell the story!

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